August 16, 2017

English Every Day: Mickey Mouse Shorts

Your Daily English Programme #30 - Mickey Mouse Can't Say 'No' (Listening A2-B1)

Welcome to Engramme Wednesday, where we're going to have a fun time with an old and famous cartoon character. Ready? Let's begin.

Think Before You Listen

Look at The Picture Below: Do you know which cartoon series these characters belong to? Do you know them all by name?

mickey mouse & his cartoon friends
Mickey Mouse first came into our lives in 1928 with a whistle and two steps in the classic Disney cartoon Steamboat Willie. Since then, Mickey has appeared in over 130 films including “Brave Little Tailor” (1938) and “Fantasia (1940), as well as television shows like the Mickey Mouse Club and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Along with his gang of trusted friends, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Donald Duck, and even his nemesis Pete, Mickey has brought more fun and screen adventure to our lives than any other cartoon character in existence1.

Watch and Listen

When people keep asking to borrow things from Mickey, he realizes that he has a big problem. He then turns to one of his friends for help.

Watch This Short Cartoon: What is Mickey's problemWho helps him with his problem?

Let's Practice

There are many different ways in English to make a request. The phrases in the table below are some of the most common and polite ways to request something from someone.
1. Can we borrow…
2. You don’t mind if I borrow…
3. I was wondering if I could borrow…
4. Can you tell me…
5. Can you help…
6. (Do you) mind if we join…
7. (Do you) mind if I borrow…
8, 9. Can I borrow… [used 2 times]

Watch and Listen Again: Which character uses which of the above request phrases? On a piece of paper, write the number of the phrase that you hear for each blank:

Minnie Mouse: Hi, Mickey! __________________ a stick of butter, please?
Mickey Mouse: You know me! I can't say N…
Minnie Mouse: About that butter?
Mickey Mouse:  Uh-huh! Right.
Minnie Mouse: Oh, Bye Mickey!
Goofy: Ding dong! Say Mick, _________________________ this new chair.
Mickey Mouse: My chair? What for, Goof?
Goofy: Charity.
Mickey Mouse: Well, gee Goofy, I…
Goofy: Oh, thanks Mick. I knew you was the charitable type
Mickey Mouse: Ha ha! You know me. I can't see N…
Goofy: Then ________________________ your car.
Mickey Mouse: My car?
Goofy: Well, wouldn't be much of a charity drive without a car, would it?
Ludwig: _____________ $5?
Mickey Mouse: N…Oh my!
Mortimer: _______________ your girl?
Mickey Mouse: N…
Pete: Do you mind?
Donald Jr. Triplets: __________________ some toilet paper?
Officer: Your dog?
Figaro: Meow meow!
Piggy: Your house?
Mickey Mouse: Ah! You know me.
Folks: You can’t say no!
Donald Duck: Hi, Mickey. Why the long face?
Mickey Mouse: I can't say N…never mind!
Donald Duck: Hahaha! You never could say no.
Mickey Mouse: Total, that's it! You're going to teach me how to say N…
Donald Duck: No, I’m not!
Mickey Mouse: Exactly!
Donald Duck: If you insist.
Mickey Mouse: Oh! Oh! Oh! No, no, no?... Donald, you did it!
Donald Duck: You can thank me later.
Mickey Mouse: No! I don’t know what came of it already.
Driver: Excuse me! ______________________ where I might find Main Street?
Mickey Mouse: Why, of course. You just follow the street…and No!
Old Woman: ________________ an old woman cross the street?
Mickey Mouse: My pleasure… No!
Police Officer: Pull over!
Mickey Mouse: No!
Judge: Swear to tell the truth?
Mickey Mouse: No!
Fellow Inmate: Do these horizontal stripes make my butt look big?
Mickey Mouse: No!
Piggy: Returning the favor!
Figaro: Meow!
Ludwig: Five, plus interest.
Mortimer: You can keep her.
Goofy: Honk! Honk!
Minnie Mouse: I thought I’d return the flavor.
Mickey Mouse: Huh! I guess it pays to be a nice guy after all.
Folks: __________________ you?
Mickey Mouse: As a matter of fact, yes! I do mind2.
See first comment below for answers

Over to You

Have you used the request language above in your speaking and/or writing? Which ones do you think are more formal than others? (let us know in the comments below)

Great Job! Practicing English every day for an extended period of time will not only help increase your English knowledge and proficiency, but will also boost your confidence in using the language that you have learned. Follow us on Google+ or enter your e-mail (see above) and receive daily English lessons right in your inbox.

Want to Review the Vocabulary from this lesson? Click here.

Teachers Can Download a print-friendly pdf copy of this lesson to use in their classroom.

1 Excerpt adapted from description on the 'Mickey Mouse' Youtube channel
2 Thanks to my friend & colleague, Juliet Flynn, for the corrections.

1 comment:

  1. Answers in order of the dialogs:
    8. Can I borrow a stick of butter, please?
    3. I was wondering if I could borrow this new chair.
    2. don’t mind if I borrow your car?
    9. Can I borrow $5?
    7. Mind if I borrow your girl?
    1. Can we borrow some toilet paper?
    4. Can you tell me where I might find Main Street?
    5. Can you help an old woman cross the street?
    6. Mind if we join you?
